Reformation Chiropractic in Oakland

Chiropractor Oakland FL Robert White About Our Office

Below are some common misconceptions about chiropractic in Oakland FL.

When you know exactly how to fix the problem, there is no need to use excessive force. Every adjustment is backed up by a 5 pillared Gonstead analysis that is designed to make sure the doctor is absolutely confident that they have found the subluxation so that they can remove it with specificity and gentleness.

What most people find scary about getting adjusted is the excessive twisting, yanking, and bending they see other chiropractors do on the internet. They are especially scared about all of that happening to their necks. Thankfully, the Gonstead method of adjusting involves none of that. Gonstead adjusting prides itself on maintaining proper anatomical positioning of the joints of the spine throughout the entire adjustment process.

There are over 200 different types of chiropractic techniques. Saying, “I’ve tried chiropractic and it didn’t work for me” is like saying, “I’ve seen art before and I didn’t like it.” Maybe that wasn’t the art that best fit your taste, and maybe that wasn’t the chiropractor that best fit your needs.

Here is a list of the questions that you need to ask yourself when you go to a chiropractor or any doctor for that matter:

  1. What problem are they trying to solve and do I agree with the problem?
  2. What analysis is being used, and does it make sense to me?
  3. Does their solution better me and my family holistically?

If you agree with them about the problem, understand their analysis, and believe that their solution will benefit you and your family holistically, then you’ve found a good doctor.


9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

3:00pm - 6:00pm



Reformation Chiropractic

301 South Tubb Street Suite F2
Oakland, FL 34760

(407) 789-3501